Engineering and industrial geodesy 2  

Tasks and methods of performing control measurements of buildings. Designing implementation measurements and assessing the accuracy of these measurements. Control measurements at various stages of construction implementation. Introduction to performing preliminary accuracy and reliability analyzes. Reliability of geodetic networks. Geodetic works related to the design and implementation of communication routes, including road, rail and metro. Geodetic development of collision-free road junctions. Surveying service for the construction of an industrial hall. Inventory and control measurements of slender structures, bridges and viaducts. Remote Measuring Systems. Hybrid techniques. Geodetic measurements on unstable objects (ships, docks). Instrumental standards PN / ISO 17123-1 to 17123-10. Design topics: Geodetic development of a collision-free road junction design, Solution of the geometry of the lane widening of transverse and longitudinal declines, canton ramp sections. Introduction of transition curves of various parameters. Determination of the coordinates of all characteristic points of the route. Designing the implementation network and assessing its accuracy. Preparation of documentation sketches and stake sketches for individual elements of the study. "Zero measurement" and fitting the construction grid of the building into the previously realized foundation. Development of the measurement results of the verticality of the industrial chimney axis using the directional (angular) method and the projection method. Preparation of a graphic design in the appropriate Monge projections.
Engineering and industrial geodesy 2

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